Binders Full of Women – Presidential Debate Memes

That’s right folks, here is my vote for the 2nd Presidential Debate memes, going to Governor Romney. The full context of his comments were as follows:

Mitt Romney during Hofstra Townhall responding to a question about pay equity for women in America:

“I went to a number of women’s groups and said, ‘Can you help us find folks,’ and they brought us whole binders full of women.”


Mitt Romney’s binders full of women

Stay tuned for the winning submission for Obama’s debate meme…coming soon.


1 Response

  1. Hoon says:

    Mike,I still think Perry would be the most fun on a quail hunt. Perhaps he was thinking about a case where there was a rasecul. Texas politics is pretty different and a lot of people in TX tell me he has mastered it. He clearly has not mastered national politics. My guess is Newt promised him an ambassadorship to Mexico so he can patrol both sides of the border, plus the hunting for non-humans is supposed to be pretty good in the Mexican highlands.Worst case he has set himself up for a Sarah Palin like post-politics career on FOX and a hunting show on cable big bucks.Glad you are enjoying the blog new video post on Iran goes up tomorrow.